Special Needs

We simply love kids with special needs, and regardless of any challenges your children face, we’re committed to partnering with parents to help their children know Jesus' love for them.

Westside’s one-on-one buddy ministry encourages infants- 12th grade with emotional, mental, or physical disabilities and partners them with a loving adult volunteer who provides them regular assistance to participate in our kid’s programs.

Become a buddy!

Westside Family Church Buddies program is designed to pair children who need extra support during Kids Ministry services with a buddy who provides one-on-one leadership and attention. The Buddies program helps every child and family feel cared for. Sometimes a buddy will help redirect a child during large group or small group time. Other times a buddy might help a child who is overstimulated by taking them to a quieter place. Sometimes a buddy is a friend to a child who could use a little extra attention and care.

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