What If? Westside Women


Life is filled with β€œifs.”  As if…If only…what if... If we aren’t careful, the β€œif onlys” of regret can hold us prisoner, and the β€œwhat ifs” of our unknown future can paralyze us with fear.  But within those two little letters also lies a great deal of transformational power, and it’s our response that will determine how these questions will define or transform us. 

  • What if you truly believe Jesus loves you? 
  • What if you truly believe he forgives you? 
  • What if your life changed because you are seen, known and loved by the one true king?
  • And what if that love overflowed and impacted your family, friends, work and community? 

Consider for a moment what our world might look like if we, as Christians, began living AS IF those β€œwhat ifs” were true.  

In January, the WFC Women’s Ministry challenged the more than 400 attendees of its annual IF: Conference women’s conference with that very set of potentially life-changing questions centered on 1 John 4:19β€”β€œWe love because he first loved us.”  The event was segmented into three focus areas: Grounded in Love, Loved Anyway and Loves Spills Over.  

In doing so, the IF: Conference event became the stone that caused a ripple effect in families across our communityβ€”the impact of which is only just beginning to be felt. 

One woman who struggled with decisions in her past shared how during prayer time at the conference, she heard God speak to her in an unmistakable way.  His message?  FORGIVEN!  His tender, yet firm message to her caught her off guard and pierced her soul in such a way that she has since received baptism and walking in a deeper obedience to Christ.

Rachelle Vaughn also heard a call to obedience:  

β€œSince attending the IF Conference, Jesus has been working on me! I've always been a believer, but I never had a personal relationship with him. At the conference I felt him clearly speak to me for the first time in 30 years. I was overcome with joy, peace, and tears! He put a lot on my heart that day and since that weekend I've been trying to stay obedient to his plan.
β€œThat weekend I felt Him nudge me to not only leave the comfort of our beautiful neighborhood home but also look into the option of homeschooling our daughter. Neither one of these things is comfortable and really a part of my plan... But here we go! We are getting ready to put our house on the market, focus on being better stewards with our income, and meeting with local homeschoolers and exploring our options.
β€œI've been reading the Bible for the first time in my life because of choice. It's amazing.  IF opened my eyes and heart to a life with Jesus. A life where I truly believe I'm so incredibly loved!”

These are just a couple of scores of others who experienced the intimate love of Jesus at this event and in the ensuing weeks. But according to Shelly Arnold, the Women’s Discipleship Director, there’s more to come. The event revealed a deep need for women to connect for fellowship, relationship, and spiritual encouragement.

The women’s discipleship team is now hosting events for women throughout the summer! 
Check out some of the ways you can connect with women: 


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