Students Serving | Generosity Story

Your generosity fuels all of Westside's efforts to make disciples, equip families, and share Christ's love here and around the world.

One of the things it means to be a part of the body of Christ is to serve. And I am so excited about the number of kids and students who serve all over Westside Family, in our Lenexa campus, Speedway campus and our church online. At church I'm just so excited about the room you have made for these kids and students to serve, to share their gifts, abilities and passions. Way to go.

I serve because I found a really big calling. I play guitar and I was like, "You know what? Let's just give it a try."

You would think that students only serve in student ministry, but really almost every event that Westside has, there are some students serving behind the scenes, whether it's in tag or childcare or hospitality. Our students are everywhere.

In early childhood I meet parents I thought I would never have met if I wasn't serving in there.

Well you get to play with little kids and help them learn, and just playing with them is so fun.

I serve here because the community is super accepting.

I love it when kids want to serve in first impressions, and I love the example that they're setting for us as adults.

They honestly do a lot in the church and a lot of people don't even know how much students actually do. So I think it's awesome to see. We get to see it more than anyone else.

Well we do church online right here in the cove and we have students that join us every Sunday to help people all around the world love Jesus, become like Jesus and share Jesus.

I just think it's just fun to serve here in the online area.

I like serving on Sunday mornings because I like to serve God.

I got started about a year and a half ago and I really liked it so I just stuck here.

Not only are kids and students making a difference by serving in a church, but they are also making a difference by modeling what servanthood looks like.

I've been serving since sixth grade. It's really cool because I got my dad serving now too.

Well he'd been working in the cafe for about three or four years, and knowing that he comes to church every weekend, I thought well I could do my part and so I reached out to him and here we are helping with the stage setup.

Hey, one big way we saw our students serve here at Westside was through KidsGiG. We had over 200 students serve here at Lenexa campus and our Speedway campus and we believe that if students actively serve their church, it changes them spiritually. And so we're thankful for a place like this.

I serve because I just love the environment of the kids and just being able to just be worshipping for Him it's just one of the simplest ways to just show that you love Him.

And so when the students are serving, I feel like they're advancing in their faith every time to do it.

I started serving on the production team in January of 2018. Derek was my mentor through all of this and he really helped me see the light of Jesus. And on August 4, 2019 I rededicated my life by getting baptized and that was such a cool experience.

These kids, the students are not only learning about Jesus, but they're learning to serve like Jesus served others and loving other people. Thank you Westside. You made this happen by supporting our kids and students.

You helped make these blessings possible through your faithful giving. Thank you.


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