Use these scripture passages and discussion questions to engage God’s Word together!

Week 1

Read Romans 8:1-4

  1. How would you describe what the law accomplishes from this first four verses?

  2. Contrast that with what Christ accomplishes here?

  3. How should we then live? What should be our posture?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday

Week 2

Read Romans 8:5-11

  1. Describe the two mindsets in these verses. What are some differences?

  2. What is the difference between someone who has the “Spirit of Christ” and someone who doesn't?

  3. How does this understanding inform the way you live today? What should our postures as Christ follower be?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday

Week 3

Read Romans 8:12-17

  1. According to these verses, how is your core identity in Christ changed?

  2. How does one live according to the Spirit? 

  3. How should we remember this identity when going through hardship? Why is that so difficult?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday

Week 4

Read Romans 8:18-28

  1. What is the relationship between the Christ follower and the rest of creation?

  2. How does this section of scripture change the way we pray? 

  3. Why should we didn't have confidence when going through trials?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday

Week 5

Read Romans 8:29-39

  1. Where does the Christians confidence come from? Give three reasons.

  2. Why is that so hard to remember? 

  3. How would you describe this love in Christ to someone who is not a believer?

Daily Readings | Monday-Saturday


The Joy Challenge


Gospel of Matthew | ONE